Calloway Cemetery

The land for Calloway Cemetery was donated by the Calloway family in 1886. For many Years, Euless families and descendants of people interred there gathered at least annually to tend the cemetery. Today it is incorporated with a Board of Trustees managing the 2.5 acre cemetery. it has been granted a 501c(13) not-for-profit status which allows for taxable deductions on contributions.

It has an easy access location between Hwy 157 and Euless S. Main Street on Calloway Rd.

The Association received a Historic Cemetery Designation and Historic Medallion, and a State Historical Marker.

A grid system has been established by Row and Lot number, making it easy to locate individual graves. A map of the cemetery can be found at:

Cemetery Map

The Board of Trustees has set a price of $1500 for each plot, plus a $200 maintenance fee. There are many available plots.

Information can be obtained by calling Keith Jernigan at (972) 822-8501 .